Eliminate Your Limited Beliefs

Create a better Self-Concept in the next 12 weeks

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Make the changes required to become the best version of YOU

Program info:

My 1-on-1 program will accelerate your growth and help you eliminate the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from becoming the best version of you.

Each program consist of weekly one hour 1-on-1 calls. During each call we’ll discuss the previous weeks assignment, any questions, challenges, and action you need to take to grow the next week.

Weekly One Hour 1-on-1 call: each week we’ll talk for an hour on the week’s assignment

Weekly Assignment: each weekly assignment is meant to build upon the next. It’s about progress. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. These assignment have a specific purpose to identify where you’re at now and where you want to go. From there we’ll set a plan to eliminate your limiting beliefs and make the changes required to become the best version of you.

Almost 24/7 Access: get almost 24/7 access with voice notes either through What’s App or Voxer. Use this feature to get quick questions answered, quick advice or redirection.



Your first assignment is to find out what the “Future You” looks, feels and acts like. Then you’ll uncover where you stand in every area of your life through the “Know the Facts” assignment. From there you’ll move on to “Find the Focus” on the changes you need to make.



Everything included in the one month package plus more detailed assignments to “Make the Change” and start eliminating your limiting beliefs. We’ll work one-on-one to single out the things in your life that are holding you back from making changes and best the best version of you.



Everything included in the One Month and 3 month package plus a detailed plan on how you will make the changes required to eliminate the limiting beliefs and be unrecognizable to who you were six months ago. It takes work but your entire life can change in the next six months.

Get with the program

Work with me to eliminate your limiting beliefs and become the best version of yourself. Apply for my 1-on-1 mentorship program.

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